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Helping You Proactively Avoid Automotive Advertising Pitfalls

February 20, 2024

We’ve all seen examples of extreme automotive advertising – bold, creative, and sometimes pushing the limits. At Kolar & Associates we want your dealership to elevate your advertising game for increased business, while skillfully avoiding common pitfalls.

Our seasoned attorneys are experts in advising clients through the intricacies of advertising media, ensuring compliance with state laws, and helping you proactively avoid any potential issues that may arise. Start by contacting us at or call (714) 544-0041.

What’s your favorite or most extreme dealership ad that you’ve seen? Visit us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to kick off a conversation on unforgettable automotive advertising!

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Helping You Proactively Avoid Automotive Advertising Pitfalls

Contact us to see how Kolar & Associates can advocate for you.